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The Winner VS The Looser

The Winner says,”It may be difficult but it is possible”
The Loser says ,”It may be possible but it is too difficult”

When a Winner make a mistake, he says ,”I was wrong”
When a Loser make a mistake, he says ,”It wasn’t my fault”

The Winner is always part of the answer
The Loser is always part of the problem

Winner chooses what they say
Loser say what they chooses

The Winner sees an answer for every problem
The Loser sees a problem for every answer

Winner sees the gain
Loser sees the pain

The Winner says ,”Let me do it for you”
The Loser says ,”That’s not my job”

Winners believe in win win
Loser believe win for them and someone has to lose

A winner makes commitments
A Loser makes promises

Winner sees the potential
Loser sees the past

Winner makes it happen
Loser wait it happen

A winner creates vision
A Loser creates imagination

A winner says “I am doing it”
A Loser says “I’ll do it”

Which are you ?


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